2024AD economy - “the New Thing”
The LAST thing
biotechnology - the-kids.biz believes…
this sector has just or is about to move
beyond the early stage where investment
and the number of bright, educated minds
is still at a start-up level
Ref - in the 00s pioneer Bill Gates,
then CEO of Microsoft software, said
that biotech would his pick THEN to
open up or be part of creating the future
The NEW Thing
AI, see below
Not so innovative sectors…
cars - EVs, hybrids, electric trucks
loading, think upgrading, power grid
airplanes - drones, big drone air taxi
… implementing AI for ai phone help desk
and business intelligence & investment
pharmaceuticals & health care -
bringing medical and tech together
courier services - electric vans
and trucks for use in low pollution
zones in cities
media & press - ai created content,
video & articles - risk: deep fakes, fake news
mining - ? - risk: upcycle waste & pollutants
real estate - housing shortage - market!
ports - diminishing globalization
- risk: logistics, industries & sea level rise
food - human civilisation growth
vs 45% of usable land now animal grazing
must change, wasting space & food
And finally, more innovative sectors (5)
semiconductors - which powerful investor & tech will challenge nVidia and AMD?
oil & gas - LNG, hydrogen, oil & the future
of plastic, personal transportation &
flight … not preventing, unfortunately,
serious global climate disaster for safety
from weather & floods, soil & crops, and
living nature … est. May 2024AD cc went
beyond limit set by Paris agreement, which
according to biology means “bio (life) in
uncomfortable territory
electricity - limit use oil & internal
combustion - upgrade alt energy & grid
(very large task for nations, but limiting
cc is economically rational)
telecommunications - ai powered
voice & text interactions, help desk
(though same was expected to improve
through use of company APIs)
tech - no comment, too general
=== eof
Inventory for purpose
events war and engineering calc
=== eof
The global south needs
2 trillion from rich north
each year. The north causes
that damage. Earth needs a judge.
Here is a blackboard for Earth.
CHECK http://blackboard.earth
From cop29…
COP29 Sets Ambitious Climate Finance Goals: $1.3 Trillion by 2035